Every organization will eventually face an emergency situation, but only some of them will be ready to handle it. Successful businesses aren’t the ones that avoid risk or get lucky enough to miss serious disasters, they are simply the ones that take threats seriously and develop an actionable safety plan to deal with them. Leaders of any company should learn the key concepts and principles of crisis management so they can respond to urgent situations quickly and effectively.
Four Phases of Emergency Management
There are many different layers and perspectives involved in creating a comprehensive crisis management plan customized for a specific organization. However, it can be easier to divide the concept into four distinct phases for strategy development: Plan, Prevent, Respond and Recover.
Planning begins with a thorough evaluation and analysis of all possible serious threats. Natural disasters, major workplace accidents and loss of key assets are just a few of the many possibilities. Identifying and prioritizing risks allows leaders to create specific strategies to work around these obstacles. Businesses also need to consider the possible short and long-term implications of likely disaster scenarios.
Prevention or mitigation is the modification of existing company operations, assets or infrastructure to reduce the impact of a potential emergency. Reinforcing building structures in areas prone to earthquakes or creating multiple digital backups of information stored on company servers are common examples.
There is no more time for planning or prevention once an emergency unfolds. The speed and capability of a company’s initial response can make a massive difference in overall impact. When hazardous substances are involved, responding even a few minutes faster could save lives and significantly cut recovery costs. Access to appropriate safety equipment and experience from in-depth training are essential for ensuring effective response.
The recovery phase begins after any ongoing threats or emergencies have been abated. For companies, this process can include anything from settling legal issues associated with the emergency to getting the workplace back to operable condition again. While the recovery phase depends on the specific consequences of an emergency, business leaders should consider this step during the planning and prevention phases.
It Pays to Be Prepared
Companies in every industry can face emergency situations that arise in a matter of moments. Success is never guaranteed and disasters can strike without warning, leaving unprepared businesses on the brink. Unfortunately, company leaders frequently underestimate the real potential for disaster or simply don’t realize that these risks can be successfully managed.
Investing in preparedness training for senior personnel and creating a comprehensive crisis management strategy can be one of the most important decisions a business leader can make. When team members are physically and mentally prepared to respond to a disaster, there is a much higher chance of containing the problem before it causes permanent damage to the organization.
As experts in logistics and personnel services, EPS incorporates the basic principles of crisis management into our operational procedures. We believe there’s no substitute for a safe and responsible workplace, which is why we emphasize the importance of emergency preparedness through planning, training and mindful implementation. Contact us today to learn more about overhauling safety protocol through experienced oversight and management.